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2010年08月11日 共有 1532 次访问 【添加到收藏夹】 【我要附加题目
    大家好,本人08年导游考试复习期间了历来大家从考场中积攒的来的宝贵题目,译成英文,答案详细,愿为大家提供点方面。 1御花园里四个亭子叫什么名字,代表什么? Wanchun,Fubi ,Qianqiu ,Chengrui Pavilion the four pavilion respectively represent four seasons 2颐和园的正门是那一个,东宫门前的牌楼上有什么字?是什么?什么意思?铜麒麟是从哪里来的? East palace gate, archway---------emptiness and the collection of excellence Bronze kylin is transferred from Yuanming garden, originally, it was placed in front of the second palace gate of CHANGCHUN garden 3、玉翁是什么时候的遗物,用来做什么的?后来被普通人用来做什么?谁把它找回来,然后又用来做什么? Yuan dynasty, carved in 1265 emperor HUbilie use it to contain alcohol for ministers. In ming dynasty it’s found by monks to hold pickles in temple of Zhenwu. Minister Sanhe presented it to emperor qianlong then it is in scripted and compose poems. It weighs 3500kilos4、雍和宫三绝 弥勒菩萨巨像------万佛阁内 佛龛——佛照楼 五百罗汉山------法轮殿 5、 北京段长城修于何时,分哪几段,多长?6、 天坛祈年殿有几圈住子,名称28colomns, three rings ,inner rings -----4 dragon well column, represent 4 seasons. middle rings-----12dragons,represents 12months of the year. outer rings---12dragons stands for 12hours of the day. 7、 颐和圆十七孔桥长宽,多少狮子544,150meters in length,8meters in width 8、 故宫三大特点9、 北京世界遗产的名称,朝代Temple of heavenin Ming dynasty Forbidden cityin Ming dynasty Great wall Summer palace The thirteen ming tombsin ming dynasty Tian an men gate10、 天安门狮子Located to the north and south of outer golden water bridges, on the east is male playing with balls, on the west is female with cub 7. 永佑殿,法轮殿 8、华表的起源分类9、地宫的宫门特点10、天坛在嘉靖年间的特点In ming emperor jiajing,worshipped the earth and heaven separately, the original altar was reconstructed and expanded and renamed as temple of heaven. The hall of dasi was modified into the hall of daxiang for praying for a good harvest, with multicolored glazed tile, topmost—blue,middle--- yellow, lower -----green. add circular mound altar 11、排云殿前的太湖石 Twelve animal stones, their shape like the 12 animals in Chinese mythology 12、长城北京经由哪几个区县?平谷、密云(司马台长城)、延庆 、昌平、门头沟、怀柔(慕田峪长城) 13、长陵恩殿由什么构成,柱子多少根最粗的柱子多少根,采自哪?Phoebe trees Nanmu,60pillars,cut from Sichuan,hubei,hunan, the middle four are the thickest14、宜芸馆名字怎么解释,用途前后什么变化?Chamber of collecting books, Yun in Chinese is a fragrant weed used as termite repellant in rooms books stroed. In Qianlong’s reign it was for collecting book,in late qing, converted into a residence, 15、故宫宁寿全宫的花园又叫什么花园,九龙壁在什么位置,多高多长?另两块在哪?故宫的戏楼叫什么. Qianlong Gardennine-dragon screen is situated at the entrance of the gate of imperial zenith and the palace of peace and longevity.3.5meters high,29.4m wide,270pieces glazed tiles. The grand theatre in forbidden city is Changyin Pavilion, Qingyin pavilion in the summer resort hamlet ,Garden of virtuous harmony in the summer palace. 16、.雍和宫四大天王及手持法器17、白云观现在是什么办公处,在哪,什么时候建的,邱处机Chinese Taoist association , outside Xibianmen,first built in 741 in tang dynasty 18、圆明园被毁前经历了哪几个皇帝?咸丰、同治、光绪、溥仪 19、天安门广场的旗杆、绿地几块,面积象征。 Flag pole is 32.6m high,36soliders walk 138 steps, lasts 2minutes and 7seconds, Tain anmen square is 880m long, 500m wide. covers 44thousand square meters. Hold one million people. 20、孔庙是哪年建的,明代增建了什么,民国时维修了几年。 First built in 1302, in ming dynasty added 崇圣词,in 明国 repaired 10 years. 21要看东六宫每个宫分别都住过那个皇后(题我记不清了)。 22.地支与十二生肖的对应。 Ratox tigerrabbitdragonsnakehorse sheep monkey rooster dog pig Zi chouyin mou chensiwu wei shenyou xuhai 23.看潭柘寺的天王殿内有什么人物 大肚弥勒 韦驮四大天王 24解释圆明园的楹联p200 心天之心而宵衣旰食,乐民之乐以和性怡情。 The emperor work very hard at the heaven’s will, and be pleasant with what people are happy for, by this way to nourish the heart. 25.慈晖懿祉 26慈禧何时出生?何时死亡? 1835---1908 27、长城玉台有哪几种文字? Six languages: han Tibetan Mongolian uygur xi-xia sanskirt 28、雍和宫为何改建为喇嘛寺? First , according to the rites of qing dynasty, the place where the emperor resided before enthronement should be changed to the temple. second, emperor in want to show respect to the Buddha .third to maintain the unity of the minority groups.29、 北海五亭是哪几个? Five dragons pavilions : 滋香、澄祥、龙泽、涌瑞、浮翠 it is the place for emperor to watch moons, fireworks, and fishing, 30、除了周口店那里还有北京人的遗址? 31、明朝的各个皇帝和清朝的各个皇帝? 32、潭柘寺是哪个菩萨的(地藏)? First built in west jin dynasty, kwan yin Buddha33颐和园的福山面积? 圆明园的福海面积28公顷 34、乐寿堂种了什么花? Peony “crabapple“magnolia 35“颐和园的石舫相关内容?36m longZhanghenga famous scientist in eastern han dynasty said, water can float the boat, but it can also tip it over. A prime minister weizheng in tang dynasty once use the words to persuade the emperor. He said people are water, and emperor is the boat. People can support a good emperor and also can overthrow the dynasty, Qianlong built this to encourage himself to run the country well.36、天安门升旗仪式(礼仪)? 138steps 36soldiers from the main gate of tiananmen gater to the south of golden river bridge, lasts 2minutes 7sec 37“长廊的四亭名称? Autumn water , retain the goodness , clear and far , living with ripples 38白云观谁死在那里了? Qiu chuji 全真道 chuan chen dao, outside ximianmen gate39、圆明园的十二生肖首有哪几个在那里? Monkey“pig、tiger“ ox placed in Poly art museum Rat was collected by a french 40、象牙席的相关知识点? In the forbidden , treasure hall 139m wide,216m long, weigh 51kilos,originally there are 5,now only 3 remains. The ivory’s strips is 0.1cm,0.3cm wide. 41“雍和宫三绝(五百罗汉山等) 500 Arhat hillBuddha cabinet42、颐和园那些建筑仿照国外的? Marble boat 43、英文的话可能需要让你讲五星红旗为何为红色? The red color stands for revolution 44、康熙还是乾隆的第五个老婆是谁? 45、园明园的三园?352hec, 6emperors built,from kandg“yong“qian“jia“dao“xian Changchuan“yuanming“绮春 46长安左门和长安右门分别还叫什么?为什么? Dragon gate and tiger gate, top three candidates in imperial exam, criminals 47、十三陵的宝城宝顶? Precious top and precious citadel, precious citadel is a large round wall built with bricks, inside the wall of the citadel is 7.5m high,inside the wall is the emperor’s tomb mound.48、白云观什么时候建的? 741ad, covers 60000 square meters 49、养心殿惟以一人治天下、岂为天下奉一人中的一人指谁?( The emperor 50“辽海吞边月、长城锁乱山什么意思? The vast seas swallows the moon in the frontier, and the great wall lock the precipitousmountains. Indicates the great wall is very magnificent. 51雍和宫永佑殿的原名?供奉着谁? When the emperor was a king, the hall is his residence. Its former name is ZhengQING. Here worshipped Buddha of immeasurable life, Buddha of medicine, lion howl Buddha52法轮殿的用途? It’s used for the lama to chant sutra and practice dharma event ,it’s the largest architecture in the lama temple. Imitating the water and flower pavilion in forbidden city with 5 clearstories and 5 golden towers. Main building: tsongkhapa bronze statue sitting on a giant lotus, a precious sword beside right shoulder, on the left is sutra. 53四大天王?Four heaven kings: 南方增长天王Sword heavenly king ,sword blue 东方持国天王lute heavenly king, lute white 北方多闻天王umbrella heavenly king, rat on the left, umbrella on the rightgreen 西方广目天王snake heavenly king ,dragon red 54佛祖何时休成正果?(腊月八号) 8th day of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar55、佛祖在那里修炼成功在那里圆寂(菩提树成功娑罗树圆寂) Sakyamuni parinirvana sat under the bodhi tree56、国子监的用途?历史? Imperial academy was the highest level of tertiary institution and the management of education institution. It was first built in 1297 in yuan dynasty, about 700years,in qing emperor qianlong added the imperial university 57、天坛的丹陛桥多长(108丈) 58天安门广场换了多少花岗岩,绿地多大,象征? The square changed two hundred and eighty thousand pieces of granite, the area of the greenbelt is 9thousand 6hundred square meters, symbolizing the territory of our country.59毛主席纪念堂河时建?1976 60金砖烧制的过程 made in suzhou jiangsu province took 130daysUse in imperial palace, procedure: 1choose material, the soil must be mucosty, burn with the fire. 61雍和宫的辇道院为什么得名?佛仓的作用 It’s an imperial path only used by the emperor’s carriage,200m long .FOCang is the residence of the living Buddha62梁思成眼里的6大建筑? Hall of supreme harmony, hall of middle harmony, hall of preserve harmony, hall of pray for good harvest, hall of benevolence and longevity and imperial university.63雍和宫天王殿供什么?heavenly king hall The big belly Buddhafour heavenly king, skanda64潭柘寺哪年建的,康熙赐名叫什么,距离北京多远,在哪?tanzhe temple 康庸乾嘉 307AD in western jin dynasty, 敕建岫云禅寺,45km away from bj, mentougou district 65极乐世界有多少佛龛,多少金佛,金佛大的小得多重。Pure land in beihai 10099 Buddha cabinets,10298 statues golden Buddha , largest one is 588 liang, smallest one is 58liang.IN tower of thousand Buddha ,allstolen by Japanese invaders. 66西堤六桥 Imitation the ones on the su dyke, willow, mirror, jade belt, white silk,lake boundary ,bingfeng bridge 67、明清在北京城的皇帝从谁到谁,多少个?1421--1925 Starting from zhudi to puyi, altogether 24emperors, 14 in ming,10 in qing 68天坛圆丘坦又几个寮炉,分别在哪,干嘛用的 6feet iron 12 located in 3 places, 8stoves from southwest to northeast at the southwest of circular mound altar, 4 outside lingxing gate ,it was used to burn sacrificial offerings after the worshipping ceremony.69、象房解释 Inside the xuanwu gate, the room for cultivating elephants 70 北京华表有几个?具体是用甚么做的 ornamental columns 10m 1465 Different huabiao have different usages: some used to stand on the secred way of the tomb. some standing on the traffic line or post house as the road signal. some as decorations71“ 25个印章在哪个殿,25有甚么意思,这些印章是甚么材质? The hall of union, state seals are the certificate for the emperor to exercise his power. Number 25 is the heavenly number, or the sum of the odd number 1 3 5 7 9. material is white jade, sky blue, gold and sandal. Dragon design72 听鹂馆在哪儿? 以前的作用,以及现在的作用? The hall of listening to orioles in summer palace, front part of the longevity hill, in the past used as the place for the emperor to enjoy bj opera and court music. In 1949 it’s converted to a restaurant73天安门纪念碑10个雕塑?Burning opium in the opium war, jingtian village peasants uprising ,wuchang uprising . may 4th movement, may 30th movement, nanchang uprising, war of resistance against Japan, successful crossing the Yangtze river, the masses helping the pla men to cross the Yangtze river, liberated nanjing people welcoming the entrance of the pla men74.天坛丹壁桥长,分几条道108zhang 360m 75白云观药王殿供奉谁?玉皇殿供奉谁,是什么时候的遗物?三官殿原来供奉谁? The famous doctor in tang dynasty sunsimiao, the jade emperor, ming dynasty, zhangsafeng 张三丰,worshipper 3 officers in the heaven: heaven officer in the middle, left is earth officer, right is water officer 76.明清时期天安门广场西侧机关 Board of punishment, board of in charge of worshipping and praying God, ministry of justice, ministry of state security. 77.明清时期天安门东侧机关 Board of revenue, rites, personnel, war, works 78.雍和宫6锅粥的分法 First pot for the heaven god, second for the emperor, third pot for minister officers and lama, fourth for military and civil officers and ministers in outer towns, fifth for lamas in the lama temple, last for charity 79保和殿作用 The palace for holding imperial examination, every eve of new year, emperor granted a banquet for the rulers vassal states,princes,1st and 2nd rank officials,envoys and member of the officials’ families.80北海五龙亭作用?铁影壁名称来历? Iron screen wall For fishing“watching the moon and fireworks. The wall is carved with a block of volcanic rock, its color is brown and it feel like a cast iron. 81.生僻字颛顼zhuanxu 大乘 宫苑 巽卦 弁 82秦,汉,命长城的分别是从那里到那里? Qin from lingtao to liaodong Han from lop nor Ming from tiger hill at the bank of yalu river tojiayuguan pass in gansu 83国徽分几部分,都是什么?national emblem Ear, Tiananmen rostrum, five stars,gear 84明朝统治最久的皇帝是谁?emperorJiajing ,zhuyijun 85太和殿前有多少缸?整个紫禁城有多少缸?缸重多少?是用多少金子做的? 4 peace water vats, altogether 308,each weigh 2 tons, use 1ooliang gold 86北海的太湖石又叫什么石?阅古楼在什么位置?是干什么用的? 折粮grain石 zheliangshi stone, transferred from the imperial garden song dynasty, because the labors who transferred the stone are free from the grain tax.。The tower of viewing the calligraphies is the place to store the works of famous calligraphers stampers, and stone carvings. 87.十三陵现在开放的都有哪几处? Changling dingling zhaoling sacred way 88慈禧的生日是那天?给慈禧办寿在排云殿,皇帝和大臣们在哪给慈禧拜寿? 10th of the tenth month of the lunar calendar87.天坛共有几个宰生亭和神厨?都是作什么用的? 2 Zaisheng Pavilion,it was the place to slaughter the offering animals before worshipping ceremony. 2sacred kitchens, used as the place to make worshipping offerings when worshipped heaven and pray for grain.88乾清宫明清时期的的用途? In ming dynasty and early qing dynasty ,it was the emperor’s residence. After yongzheng, it was where the emperor handled routine works, summoned and 0selected officials. received foreign envoys and hold ceremony and one thousand old men banquet.89天坛的1.都是什么? 1 one axle line runs from south to north,3 altar walls, 5 groups of buildings,7star stones,9 altar gates 90颐和园是是谁修建的?用了多少年?那年被毁? 15years, qingemperor qianlong, 1860 xianfeng reign anglo-french allied force 91万寿山和昆明湖金代叫什么?元代叫什么? During liao and jin dynasties, was golden hill and pool, the names were changed to jar hill and jar pool, in early qing dynasty, it changed to wesr lake. 92雍和宫的打鬼仪式还叫什么?佛祖修成正果的日子,哪天要吃什么?材料是那供应的 Exorcise the ghost, on every30th of the first month in lunar calendar. 12.8,laba porridge, the materials are millet 50kilos, dry fruit 50 kilos, firewood 5000kg. in front of the yonghe gate, it’s the pot for the monks to cook in daily times. 93长城的6种墙体? 1The classical wall like badaling great wall, 7.8h, 6.5w, 2rammed earth wall版筑夯土墙,3 level off hilltop wall 劈山墙 4 precipitous wall 山险墙 5gravel wall沙砾墙 6 疆落 the wall made by tress and bamboo ,located in valley 94圆明园的风貌简介 At first, it was emperor yongzheng’s garden conferred by emperor kangxi, in 1860, it was burnt by allied force, the main landscape area is the garden of perfection and brightness, Changchun garden and wanchun garden. 95解释《西华门》里边说的是那个皇帝。 It refers to the emperor zhu houzhao in ming dynasty, who is cynical and incontinent and luxious. 96皇帝举行的婚礼叫什么?婚后皇后住哪? sat on the 9phoenixes with gold top Imperial wedding, emperor shunzhi, kangxi, tongzhi, guangxu and xuantong married In the east chamber of the palace of earthly tranquility. After the wedding, empress would find a place to live in the six palaces in the inner court. 97.妃子入宫走哪个门?讽刺过慈嘻的那个皇后叫什么? 98.圆明园的那几个特点 six characters of the garden of perfection and brighten 移天缩地 立意深远 布局各异 题材丰富 园中有园 宫苑结合 It contains all the main and beautiful sceneries in china. Its conception is far-reaching, all the sceneries has their own meaning. The arrangement is different, the theme is rich, garden in the garden, palace and garden. 99五百罗汉山的材料 、数量、位置 five hundred Rohans hill Carved on the candle tree, material is golden, silver, bronze, iron and tin, located at the back of Tsongkhapa statue in hall of falun. 100长陵神功圣德碑四面上的文字都是什么?huge tablet 9 words on the front side of the tablet bears inscription by emperor renzhong for emperor zhudi, praise his great achievement and virtuous under his reign 101 长城的作用 Military function: stop the nomadic tribes from attacking. Economic function :develop the economy around the great wall,people move their to cultivate the land and make the hinterland a peaceful environment to develop economy. a link accelerated the mixing of ethnic groups.102圆明园的四个用途?要建设成为什么基地?patriotic education base History research ,scientific expedition, culture communication between oriental and the west, sight-seeing and resting,103白云观的民俗节日有哪些?white cloud Taoist temple To touch the bronze donkey 栓娃娃,打金钱眼,touch stone monkey and 顺星,会神仙 meet the immortal 104顺治的一个妃子住哪儿?崇祯的田妃住故宫里的哪儿?万历的恭妃住哪儿? 景仁宫 承乾宫 景阳宫 105 颐和园乐寿堂名字的出处,谁住在那儿 The wise are joyful, the virtuous are long-lived, originated from Confucian analects yongye. Empress dowager cixi lived there. 106朗读并解释文丞相祠-----the famous official wentianxiang in song dynasty 107故宫有几部分组成,都是什么 Two parts one is inner court for handling state affairs on the south, in order to show its function ,all the buildings are magnificent, other one is the residential area for emperor’s residence or entertainment. 108大禹治水多高,多重,产于哪,在哪雕刻,几年完成 in treasure hall. Jade hill of yu the great harnessing the flood river, it’s the largest masterpiece jade work existing in china ,224cm high, over 5tons. Found in hetian in xinjiang, carved in yangzhou jiangsu province, took 10 years to finish109描述太和殿前丹陛的形状。 Stone carving 云龙石雕 North of the hall of preserving harmony lies a huge cloud and dragon carvings, carved in mingD, redone in qianlong, 16.57m h, 3.07m w, 1.7m thick, weighs 200tons, with waves of sea, nine dragon clouds and loutses, 110烽火台简述。Beacon towersUsually built on the summit of mountain or at the turn of mountains, it was used for sending out military information. Once the enemy came to attack, bonfires were lit to sending messages, day“ smoke, night“fire . if over 100enemies,lit 1 bonfire, fire 1cannon, 500 2“2, 1000 3“3, 5000 4“4 10000 5“5 111孔庙建于何时,仿谁而建,最后一次祭孔仪式是什么时候。 1302, the imitation of the Confucius temple qufu in shangdong. The last worshiping Confucius ceremony happened in 1948 in public of china. 112故宫钦安殿供的什么神为什么供这个神 the hall of imperial peace Here worshipped the highestgod of Taoism in northern china grand emperor xuanwu .since he is the god of water, embodied the meanings of quenching and prevent fire. 113 长廊的画是什么有多少画的内容 Suzhou style paintings. Natural scenery, flowers, fish, birds, insects, figures and mythology.From ancient t classical literature. 114长城建造的劳动力从何来 Civilians, soliders,prisoners. 115明清天安门的T广场,千步廊何时建的,大明门何时倒的,后作何用 Left changan gate for candidates to pass, known as dragon gate, right changan gate for prisoners to pass ,tiger gate. On the north is chengtian gate, south is great ming gate.Long corridor was built in ming, great qing gate fell In 1958, then at the original location built the chairman mao memorial hall. 116十三陵神路多长,石象生何时开始摆的,多少个7.3kilometers, made in 1453, 24stone animals, 6 animals lion“elephant“xizhe“qilin“horse“camel, two pairs, two stand while 2 kneel, 12 statues of officials, statues of military officers, civil officials and officials of merit,4in each group. 117天坛乾隆该了哪些地方 Qianlong changed the color of the hall of daxiang, all the glazed tiles were changed to blue, symbolizing the heaven, he renamed it hall of praying for good harvest , reconstructed the imperial of heaven added gates of 圆丘 118神路大宫门的具体位置the main entrance of the tombsAbout 1.25km away from memorial arch,located between dragon and tiger hill 119午门为什么叫午门 有几个城楼 这种格局从什么朝代开始 35m Meridian gate in Chinese wu on the compass in ancient china represented south, so the gate refers to the large southern gate of the forbidden city. There are altogether 5 towers named five phoenixes towers, originated in han and tang dynasty. 120昆明湖名称来历 占地多少han 220hectares lake area cover a quarter 121黄教为什么叫黄教 两大弟子是谁In Tibetan Buddhism , the lama who wear the yellow hat, which is an obvious sign of this church. Tshongkapa, his two student are 根敦珠巴和克珠杰 122定陵地下宫殿石门的数量,材料,支撑石门的横梁的材料与重量,石门的厚度 in the underground palace have altogether 7 stone door, made by white marble. each stone door. The biggest door is 3.3m h, 1.7m wide, 4tons,on the top of the door is lintel made of bronze tube weighing about 10 tons, 40cm thick, 123北海公园建造年代 first built in jin dynasty, 124人民英雄纪念碑,谁设计的,多长时间,起止,是在哪次会议后修的 The monument to the people’s heroes, designed by liangsicheng, on 30th november 1949 the first plenary session of the Chinese people’s political consultative conference. 37.94mh, start from august 1st 1952 to 1958 in april. 124朱棣迁都北京的原因,为什么迁都,发生了什么历史事件,哪年建的,用了多长时间 1406-1420,14 years, jingnan uprising, reasons: first, Beijing used to be the enforcements of zhudi when he is a king, there have many people he trusted, second in early ming dynast, there are frequent wars, the role of defense the hinterland of the northern part had weakened, bj’s an important military place to stop the attack125,太和殿的"太和"什么意思,具体到每一个字的意思,derived from the book of change.Tai means big or large, he means harmony, it stresses the harmonious relationship between human and nature, emperor and the ministers, and different ethnic groups, they are all perfectly harmonious in the universe. 126祈年殿的"祈年"什么意思 Qi means to prey, nian means millet are ripe, implies prey for a bumper harvest 127仁寿殿里面有点意义的陈设,哪朝代,,每个东西的具体作用,还有电灯的小细节 Ebony dragon screen, in the center mirror is a character longevity written in 226different styles, Wall scroll, hung on the wall with a large longevity, the background is100 bats, symbolize happiness and longevity, written by cixi. Lacquer screen点翠插屏 inlaid with green jade and feathers of kingfishers, made in qianlong Lunduanincense burner, a strange immortal animal. It is able to speak ant foreign language and can walk 9000km a day, beside the throne, symbolizing that the emperor is wise and nice and foreign envoys came to pay their respects from foreign land 128六和六安 in the imperial city In and outside the imperial city, there are altogether 6 he and 6an, he means harmony, an means peace, 6 architectures’ name contain the harmony, and 6 contain peace, symbolizingthe country is harmonious and peaceful both in and outside of the country. 129殿试 imperial examination Time: in early qing, time’s not fixed, starting from qianlong, it’s 26th AprilLocation: in qianlong, in the hall of preserving harmony 130内金水河的作用 1to be the main channel for discharging the rain, 2water source for quenching fire. 3 to be the water supply for the palace. 4 the needs in geomancy 5 for the aesthetic design ,more lively . 131故宫珍宝馆 这些宝贝藏在那个殿? 用什么做的,在那里做的,用了多少年。 The palace of peaceful longevity, it used to be the hall of joyfulness and longevity. Longevity hill and happiness sea jade carving,寿山hetian green jade carved pine, cloud,. auspicious animal, 福海 nine dragons in the waves and cloud, made in yangzhou, lasted 4 years. 132长城东西城关题匾,有什么典故。寇准是北宋的? The inscription outer town of juyong written on the east gate of badaling in 1539, means there was another town outside juyong pass.居庸外镇 The inscription key to the north gate 北门锁阴 written on the west gate of badaling 1582, the allusion has sth to do with a famous song dynasty prime minister kouzhun. It is said that an envoy of the state of liao passed by daming of the song dynasty, he couldn’t figure out why kouzhun was there. Kouzhun said there is nothing to do in the court but I have to be here. So later on people called the key to the north gate an important town in the north 133周易是由什么演变成哲学书的,分那两部,那年成书? The book of change is developed from divination in the primitive time in zhou dynasty,it has two parts 易经YIjingthe main text和易传 YIzhuanthe commentary, dao is the law of change caused by interaction between in and yang .it was written approximately before 1150bc. 134、潭柘寺前的“百海玉什么”是由那两种树由来的 maidenhair tree 银杏 Bodhi tree菩提 Sal tree 娑罗树135溥仪什么时候离开故宫?故宫博物院成立的时间?故宫有多少箱文物运走?现存台湾多少箱?1924冯玉祥 10th October1925 , 13000cases of treasure were transferred to the south, 2972 cases in taiwan now.136 元辰殿供奉谁? It is the only jin dynasty’s architecture existing, here worshipped doumu emperor, waifu star emperor ,neibi star emperor and 60 jiazi god, from jiazi to guihai is 60 years. 137北京哪四处流杯亭? Floating cup pavilion One in tanzhe temple, one in qianlong garden in forbidden city, one in zhongnan hai ,one in the mansion of prince gong. 138营造圆明园的皇帝几个?是谁? six Kangxi,yongzheng,qianlong,jiaqing,daoguang,xianfeng, destroy in the period of xianfeng,tongzhi,guangxu,puyi 139天坛祈谷前皇帝都做什么? According to the regualtions, the emperor would enter the temple of heaven through the gate of the altar for praying for grain. After alighting the sedan, he burnt incense sticks at the hall of imperial zenith. After that, he inspected the altar and turned to the hall of abstinence. On the day of ceremony, he would leave the hall for the dressing platform to change and wash. Then he went all the way through the left gate of the gate of praying for good harvest, the left staircase to salute at the place where he would worship. 140加梁的作用? A measuring device during the period of time 141养心殿的建筑格局,用途,谁签的溥仪退位书?垂帘听政在哪? 48years longyu The hall of cultivation is shaped like the capital I ,it’s divided into front chamber and back chamber, the front was for handling state affairs and back fo sleeping. Front chamber has 3rooms middle, east and west. Empress dowager handled state affairs behind screen in the east annex chamber, tongzhi and gx 142解释丁祀,属于五礼中的哪个礼?那个等级?143朱棣的历史功绩? Economy , internation trade and relationship,culture144颐和园用什么经费营建,什么时候建造?建造了几年?慈禧什么时候来颐和园? Rebuilding the summer palace used Navy fund, took 9 years,1886, in April every year to the middle of October. 145乾隆后雍和宫的用途? Use as the tebitan buddha temple 146五军都督府? Higheat level ofmilitary institution in ming 147李连英住在哪? On the east of hall of happiness and longevity 永寿宅 2nd rank, cixi trusted him very much



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