- 夏季多吃苦味有益健康 eating more bitter foods is good
- 早晨一杯水很重要 a glass of water in the morning
- 海蜇皮能治高血压 jelly fish can cure hypertension
- 中医讲究早喝盐水晚喝蜜 salty water in the morning and honey in the evening keeps you healthy
- 每天一杯咖啡好处多 a cup of coffee every day is beneficial
- 绿茶有益防治肝炎肝癌 green tea is good to prevent lung cancer
- 吃鱼能保持血管年轻 fish is good for vessel
- 多吃黑色食物可补肾 more black foods benefits the kidney
- 多食核桃有益心脏 more walnuts is good for heart.
10. 吃葡萄有利于护肝 grape is good for liver
11. 胡萝卜有降血压作用 carrot is helpful to decrease blood pressure.
12. 洋葱可保护血管 onion has an effect on protecting blood vessel.
13. 多食味精影响视力和智力,孕妇服食味精会造成小孩畸形 Too much monosodium glutamate is harmful to sight and intelligence, especially for pregnant woman.
14. 早餐吃燕麦有助于记忆 oatmeal for breakfast helps memory.
日常生活类 what you should know in your daily life
- 凉水洗脚有损健康 footbath with cold water is harmful.
- 情绪不畅会导致胃病 blue mood will cause stomach disease
- 步行适量能使大脑更年轻 walking makes your mind clearer
- 不宜用塑料袋保存果蔬 do not keep fruits and vegetables in plastic bags
- 正确刷牙比选择牙膏重要 proper ways to brush teeth is useful than a toothpaste
- 凉水洗脸好处多,刷牙宜用温水,洗脚宜用热水 Wash your face with cold water while brush your teeth with warm water and footbath with hot water
- 鼻子出血时不要抬头 do not look up when you have nosebleed
- 筷子最好半年换一次 change a new set of chopsticks half a year