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作者:admin 申领版权
2010年08月09日 共有 522 次访问 【添加到收藏夹】 【我要附加题目
    A message worth communicating;
    Gain the listeners\' atention: capture their interest and build their trust;
    Emphasize understanding;
    Obtain their feedback;
    Watch your emotional tone;
    Persuade the audience;
    How to gain confidence
    Smile and glance at the audience;
    Start very slowly, with your shoulders back and your chin up;
    Open your speech by saying something very frankly;
    Wear your very best clothes;
    Say something positive to yourself;

Four objectives of the speech
    To offer information;
    To entertain the audience;
    To touch emotions;
    To move to action;

How to organize the speech
    To have a structure: such as first, second, third; geographically, north, south, east, west; compare and contrasts; our side versus their side; negative and positive;
    To label the materials such as jokes, funny anecdotes, favorite sayings, interesting statistics;
    To use notecards;

How to use cards
    Number your cards on the top right;
    Write a complete sentence on both your first and last card;
    Write up to five key words on other cards;
    Use color to mark the words you want to emphasize;
    Remind yourself at a particular sport to check the time.

How to cope with brownout
    Just smile and go to the next card. Not the one in front of you, but to the next following. Look at the first word on it. This will be the point from which you will now continue. Of course you missed part of your speech. But nobody will notice it. They will blame themselves for not following your thoughts.

How to begin
    To tell a story (about yourself);
    To acknowledge the occasion of the gathering;
    To pay the listeners a compliment;
    To quote ;
    To use unusual statistics;
    To ask the audience a challenging question;
    To show a video or a slide.

How to close
    To repeat your opening;
    To summarize your presentation;
    To close with an anecdote;
    To end with a call to action;
    To ask a rhetorical question;
    To make a statement;
    To show an outline of your presentation.

    Eye contact
    Move your eyes slowly from person to person, and pause two or three seconds with each listener;
    Look at people straight or look at the bridge of their noses or chins;
    Look for the friendlier faces and smile at them one by one, then move on to the more skeptical members and smile at them one by one also;
    Imagine the audience in bathrobes in case you are nervous.

How to use the microphone
    You must speak up and project your voice even if you are using a microphone;
    Your voice should be resonant and sustained when you speak;
    Pitch your voice slightly lower than normal. Listeners tend to associate credibility and authority with a relatively deep voice;
    Try to end declarative sentences on a low tone without, however, trailing off in volume;
    Slow down.

Keynote speech
    A Keynote speech is to outline the subjects to be addressed by other speakers at an event,and to establish the tone of a meeting or program.

What to say
    Plan well in advance;
    Make sure you fully understand your role in the program;
    Devote care to structuring your speech logically;
    Devote care to setting the proper tone.

How to use equipment
    Check light bulbs,electrical power,cable connections,outlets and contactstches and any moving parts;
    Confirm twice that all your equipment will be available on the time of the day that you need it ;
    Arrange to have back-up equipment close by and be prepared to present without visuals;
    Remember to carry your equipment and ensure it will not be lost.

Typical signals of nervousness
    Hands in pockets 手放在口袋里
    Increased blinking of the eyes 眨眼次数过多;
    Failure to make eye contact害怕眼神的接触;
    Licking and biting of the lips 舔嘴唇和史嘴唇;
    Finger tapping 敲叩手指;
    Fast,jerky gestures 手势又急又快;
    Cracking voices 粗哑的声音
    Increased rate of speech 讲话速度加快;
    Clearing of the throat 清嗓子;
    Buttocks clamped tightly together 臀部崩得紧紧的;
    The way to over come nervousness is breathe in deep and breathe out slowly for some times.

HOW to dress
    Dark colored suits or dresses;
    Red ties or scarves;
    Black shoes,freshly polished;
    Very little jewelry -worn discreetly;
    Calm,slow gestures and slow movements;
    Shoulders back,chin up.

HOW to use gestures
    Make sure all your gestures are smooth and natural;
    Don\'t put your hands in your pockets;
    Let your hands and arms drop naturally to your side ,gently fold both indes fingers together,without wringing or gripping your hands in any way;
    Let your hands do what they want to do as long as they don\'t go back into your pockets or make obscene gestures.
    Point at imaginary objects and don\'t point at others with your index finger;
    Size or quantity can also easily be shown by expanding or contracting the hands;
    Gracefully show your audience the appropriate number of fingers by holding your hands at a 45 degree angle from your head;
    TO emphasize physical size such as length,width,hold your hands out in front you widely apart to move them up and down.




第二讲 态势语训练
第一讲 绪论
如何采用最得体的推销语言去打动顾客 (5)(6)
如何采用最得体的推销语言去打动顾客 (3)(4)
如何采用最得体的推销语言去打动顾客 (1)(2)



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