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  RWTH Professors interested in accepting PhD candidates from China supported by CSC      
  Name Institute Webpage Email
  F1- Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences      
  Department of Biology      
  Prof. Ulrich Schwaneberg Dept of Biotechnology http://www.biotec.rwth-aachen.de u.schwaneberg@biotec.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Alan Slusarenko Chair and department for Biology(plant physiology) http://www.rwth-aachen.de/bio3/ alan.slusarenko@bio3.rwth-aachen.de
  Department of Chemistry      
  Prof.Jun Okuda Institute of Inorganic Chemistry(Chair of Organometallic Chemistry ) http://www.ac.rwth-aachen.de/ sekr.okuda@ac.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Walter Leitner Institute for Technical Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry http://www.itmc.rwth-aachen.de/ leitner@itmc.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Walter Richtering Institute of Physical  Chemistry http://www.ipc.rwth-aachen.de/ richtering@rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Dr. Martin Möller Chair of Textile Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry (TexMC) http://www.dwi.rwth-aachen.de/en/index.html moeller@dwi.rwth-aachen.de
  Department of Computer Science      
  Prof. Leif Kobbelt Computer Science 8(Computergraphics and Multimedia) http://www-i8.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/ kobbelt@cs.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Joost-Pieter Katoen Computer Science 2(Software Modeling and Verification) http://www-i2.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/ katoen@informatik.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Manfred Nagl Computer Science 3 Softwareengineering http://www-i3.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/ nagl@informatik.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Otto Spaniol Chair of Computer Science  4 ( Communication and Distributed Systems) http://nets.rwth-aachen.de/ spaniol@informatik.rwth-aachen.de
  Department of Physics      
  Prof. Uwe Klemradt Physics Institute (2B): Physics of Condensed Matter http://www.roentgen.physik.rwth-aachen.de/ klemradt@physik.rwth-aachen.de
  Department of Mathematics      
  Prof. Guo Yubao Chair C for Mathematics http://www.mathc.rwth-aachen.de/ guo@mathc.rwth-aachen.de
  F 2 - Faculty of Architecture      
  Prof Peter Russell Computer Aided Design in Architecture http://caad.arch.rwth-aachen.de/ russell@caad.arch.rwth-aachen.de
  F 3 - Faculty of Civil Engineering      
  Prof. Ekkenhard Wendler Institute of Transport Science http://www.via.rwth-aachen.de/englisch/homepage.htm wendler@via.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof.Johannes Reichmuth Institute of Transport Science(Department of Airport and Air Transportation Research) http://www.via.rwth-aachen.de/englisch/homepage.htm reichmuth@via.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Michael Jansen History of Arts/ Theory of Architecture http://www.sbg.rwth-aachen.de jansen@sbg.arch.rwth-aachen.de
  F4 - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering      
  Prof. Jan-Welm Biermann Institute for Automotive Engineering  http://www.ika.rwth-aachen.de/ueber_uns/leute/biermann.php biermann@ika.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Stefan Gies Institute for Automotive Engineering  http://www.ika.rwth-aachen.de/ueber_uns/leute/gies.php gies@ika.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Wolfgang Schröder Chair of Fluid Mechanics and Institute of Aerodynamics Aachen http://www.aia.rwth-aachen.de/ office@aia.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Werner Karl Schomburg Microsystems Technology http://www.kemikro.rwth-aachen.de/ Schomburg@KEmikro.RWTH-Aachen.de
  Prof. Wolfgang Marquardt Process Systems Engineering http://www.cces.rwth-aachen.de/ secretary.lpt@avt.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Wolfgang Marquardt Center for Computational Engineering Science (CCES) http://www.cces.rwth-aachen.de/ secretary.lpt@avt.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Reinhart Poprawe Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT, Lehrstuhl für Lasertechnik http://www.llt.rwth-aachen.de/ reinhart.poprawe@ilt.fraunhofer.de
  F 5 - Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering      
  Department of Metallurgy and Materials Technology      
  Prof. Dieter Georg Senk Steel Department of RWTH Aachen University(Chair for Metallurgy of Iron and Steel) http://www.iehk.rwth-aachen.de/ dieter.senk@iehk.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Wolfgang Bleck Steel Department of RWTH Aachen University(Department and Chair of Ferrous Metallurgy) http://www.iehk.rwth-aachen.de/ bleck@iehk.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Gerhard Hirt Institute of Metall Forming  http://www.ibf.rwth-aachen.de/ hirt@ibf.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Günter Gottstein Physical Metallurgy and Metal Physics  http://www.imm.rwth-aachen.de/ gottstein@imm.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Heike Emmerich Department of Mineral Engineering (Keramik, Glas, Prozess- und Werkstoffsimulation)  http://www.ghi.rwth-aachen.de/ emmerich@ghi.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Rainer Telle Department of Mineral Engineering (Keramik, Glas, Prozess- und Werkstoffsimulation)  http://www.ghi.rwth-aachen.de/ telle@ghi.rwth-aachen.de
  Department of Geoscience and Geology      
  Prof. Frank Lehmkuhl Chair of Physical Geography and Geo-Ecology http://www.pgg.rwth-aachen.de/ flehmkuhl@geo.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Dr. Franz Michael Meyer Institute of Mineralogy and Economic Geology http://www.iml.rwth-aachen.de/english.html m.meyer@rwth-aachen.de
  Department of Raw Materials and Waste Disposal Technology      
  Prof. Axel Preuße Chair and Department of Mine Surveying, Mining Subsidence Engineering and Geophysics in Mining http://www.ifm.rwth-aachen.de/cms/front_content.php Preusse@ifm.rwth-aachen.de
  F 6 - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology      
  Prof. Andrei Vescan Chair of Electromagnetic Theory http://www.ithe.rwth-aachen.de/en/institute/institute.html vescan@ithe.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof. Jürgen Roßmann Institute of Man-Machine-Interaction http://www.mmi.rwth-aachen.de/ rossmann@mmi.rwth-aachen.de
  Hans-Jürgen Haubrich Institute for Power systems and Power Economics http://www.iaew.rwth-aachen.de haubrich@iaew.rwth-aachen.de
  Armin Schnettler Institute for High voltage technology http://www.ifht.rwth-aachen.de schnettler@ifht.rwth-aachen.de
  F 7 - Faculty of Arts and Humanities      
  Prof. Ludwig Jäger Institute for Language and Communication Studies http://www.isk.rwth-aachen.de/212.html l.jaeger@uni-koeln.de
  Prof.Paul Hill Institute of Sociology(Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Soziologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung) http://www.soziologie.rwth-aachen.de/ paul.hill@soziologie.rwth-aachen.de
  Prof.Iring Koch Institute of Psychology http://www.psych.rwth-aachen.de koch @ psych.rwth-aachen.de
  F 8 - Faculty of Business and Economics      
  Prof. Kai Reimers Research Group on Electronic Business http://www.wi.rwth-aachen.de/ reimers@wi.rwth-aachen.de
  F 10 - Faculty of Medicine      
  Prof.Jürgen Floege   Medical Clinic, Internal medicine(nephrology and immunology http://www.ukaachen.de/content/folder/1019038 ebuchmann@ukaachen.de





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